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The Best Ever

“A delightful programme”, “A most enjoyable afternoon”. “Lovely tea” “Delighted to be back in QKA for concerts - much more comfortable viewing and listening to the orchestra, plus refreshments at the interval!”.

Reaction to the Friends; concert in December was overwhelmingly favourable. The annual event is put on by the orchestra in appreciation of the support given by Friends during the year. There was a great variety of pieces, some with a Christmas theme, played by groups of different CPSO musicians comprising strings, flute and wind. One of the highlights was the Noble string quartet playing a selection of Scottish music interspersed with Mozart’s “Eine Kleine Nacht Musik” which Terry Noble introduced as Mozart’s Scottish cousin, Hamish McMozart, entitled “Eine Kleine Night Moonlight Night Musik”. Joseph Watkin, son of CPSO viola player, Simon, arranged a Christmas Medley for the CPSO Strings group. A raffle with an array of seasonal prizes, generously donated by the committee and other Friends, raised £125.


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