Privacy Policy
On May 25th 2018 the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) became law in the UK via the Data Protection Bill 2018. All organisations must comply, including CPSO. Data protection laws have been in place for many years, and all the new regulations do is codify existing law better and add in specific clauses to prevent abuses.
CPSO’s data protection policy was prepared and approved by the Committee on May 22nd 2018. The Committee is responsible for the secure, fair and transparent collection and use of data, as described below. Any questions relating to the collection or use of data should be directed to the current Data Protection Officer.
To enable the Committee to run the orchestra and manage the Friends of CPSO, its officers need to keep certain data on present and past members. The data kept will be mainly in the form of membership lists with up to, but not exceeding:
E-mail address
Phone number(s)
Instrument(s) (orchestra only)
Subscription record
Attendance record (orchestra only)
Committee status and duties
As well as membership lists there may be a legal obligation to keep certain other records. These include:
Gift Aid declarations
Bank statements and accounting records
Committee and AGM minutes
Charity Commission trustees
Personal information normally deemed as sensitive, such as criminal, medical or financial records, will never be kept.
A member’s details will be collected when they first join CPSO or the Friends of CPSO and confirmed on annual renewal of the subscription. Any or all of the Committee members may hold members’details including some or all of the data items mentioned above. Data may be kept on personal electronic devices or in manual records. Friends of CPSO details will be held by their Secretary and Chairman.
The data are only retained to allow Committee members to carry out their committee functionsupporting the orchestra’s activities, including contacting members with the dates of concerts, rehearsals and AGMs, for example. At the time details are collected members give consent for CPSO to retain and process their personal data. Records will be kept for no longer than is necessary in order to meet the intended use for which they were gathered unless there is a particular legal requirement.
Members can update their data at any time by contacting the Data Protection Officer.
Personal data will never be passed on to a third party outside CPSO for any purpose without the specific permission of members.
Any member or Friend has the right to:
View the data stored on themselves
Ask for any data to be amended or deleted
Be removed from the list
Have their history deleted
Ask how their data are being used
Object to their data being used for a particular purpose
Requests should be made to the Data Protection Officer, any member of the CPSO Committee or the Secretary of the Friends of CPSO. The request will be carried out promptly unless this is not possible due to legal obligations.
No personal data are collected and stored as a result of using the CPSO website . Cookies are used to collect ip and browser information in order to facilitate page navigation and analytics - in line with the notice published on the website.
A link is provided on the initial page of the website to our ticket agent TicketSource at . TicketSource will collect name, address, email and telephone numbers in order to send electronic or paper tickets to the customer, allow verification at the door of the event, settle disputes and to allow contact if the event is amended or cancelled. This information is also available to CPSO after the booked event to publicise future events. Customers have the option to allow or not CPSO to send publicity information by ticking a box during the purchase process.
In order to buy tickets Customers must agree to the TicketSource customer purchase and privacy policy by ticking a box during the purchase process. TicketSource confirms customer details on each visit to ensure they are current. Customers may update or remove their details, or amend their marketing preferences, by contacting TicketSource on or by contacting CPSO on at any time.