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Cookie Policy

When you use the CPSO website we may store information on your computer in the form of small text files known as 'cookies'. To make full use of the features of the website you will need to accept cookies for the site to operate properly.
By using the CPSO website you agree to our use of such cookies. We use them for page navigation and analytics. 
Cookies are a common and very useful method to make your online experience flow smoothly and are used by most websites that you visit. They generally do not hold information to identify an individual person but instead are used to identify a browser on an individual device.
Most web browsers will allow you to erase or block cookies, or warn you before a cookie is stored. However if you have chosen to block all cookies then this site will not function as intended and you will need to re-enable your cookies in your web browser. You can however choose to block only third-party cookies and our website should still function as intended.
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