Dear Friends of the Orchestra,
The immortal words of Robert Burns (“the best laid schemes of mice and men go oft awry...”) came into my mind last week while listening to the BBC’s weekend weather forecast! The East of England came off rather lightly in the event, although on concert day, in the midst of unpredictable squalls, I fretted about Kate unloading the delicate but unwieldy timpani in the rain, about Marianne freezing at the coffee van while she took orders, and about you - our audience – getting wind-swept and drenched in the car park.
What a delight it was therefore for us, the Orchestra, after almost two years without a concert, to have such an appreciative audience as we did on Saturday. We have worked hard to bring you this music but, as Bjorn said to everyone, it truly works when you are there to share it with us.
This year, the CPSO’s great friends and most loyal supporters, Clive and Janet Frusher, retired from the Friends Committee, having joined in 2010. I know that so many of you will want to join the Orchestra as we wish them both well. Janet and Clive were delighted to receive lifetime tickets from the CPSO to our concerts and we really look forward to welcoming them
. Kindest wishes,
Deirdre Culloty