You or someone you are living with has tested positive or is displaying Covid-19 symptomsYou or someone you are living with has been instructed to isolate by NHS Test and Trace
How are you making my visit safe?
We want you to relax and enjoy yourself, The safety of our members and audience are paramount so we follow the latest government guidance.
Do I need an NHS COVID Pass to attend the concert?
You do not need to show us a COVID Pass to attend
Do I need to check in with the app when I arrive?
This is no longer mandatory however if a QR code is displayed by QKA we encourage you to scan it
Do I have to wear a mask?
It would be appreciated if you could wear a mask, especially when you arrive / leave and when you are moving around the venue.
What about social distancing?
We encourage you to maintain social distancing as a courtesy to others who may not be comfortable with close contact. Seats in the QKA auditorium are not allocated and we ask that you sit only with those people with whom you attend the concert wherever possible.
We will be limiting ticket sales for our November concert to help with providing space.
What other measures will you take?
There will be continuous ventilation of the concert hall during the programme and additional fresh air will be allowed to circulate via the fire doors during the interval. Please bring a warm layer of clothing should the temperature in the auditorium be cooler than you would normally experience.
The venue will be cleaned before you arrive on concert day – CPSO are sole hirers of the spaces which you will occupy on each concert date in order to provide maximum room, comfort and for your peace of mind on these occasions.
Hand sanitiser will be available but we encourage you to bring your own and to use it before / after touching surfaces